Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Another Manic Monday

It's Monday, but not manic.  :)
We try not to do manic here.  The kiddos are entrenched in the assignments and studies of the day.  I am getting ready to power down the laptop and power up my arms and legs and brain.  There are writing assignments to edit, spelling rules to reinforce, history lessons to read, math the check (and then re-check)... you get the picture.  There is laundry, toilets, counters, floors, etc. to be cleaned.  There is a multitude of paper work and books needing attention.  There are appointments to be made.
It's just stuff.... not worth putting into words, but since I don't facebook, I thought I'd share mundane, needless, personal details right here!  

But the real reason for posting this morning is to count my gifts.... out loud.  :)

~ the friends and family that have loved on my mama during this time of uncertainty and trial.*

~ a pumpkin candle that really does make the whole kitchen smell like pumpkin

~ sickness that is short-lived, but long enough to remind me how blessed we are

~ being absolutely certain of what I do NOT want to do

~ the way He woos me to Himself, when.... why should He?

~ a new church.... maybe not THE church, but a place where we are learning about...
~ the possibility of being in missional community with others
~ what it might look like to focus outwardly
~ how the Holy Spirit can show up even if the music is way too loud

~ how beauty on the inside SO determines what is seen from the outside
~ how you can ride that truth in a lot of different directions all to the same great end

~ God's imagination

~ figuring out what's worthwhile 
~ figuring out what's not
~ knowing all the figuring comes from Him:  Thank You Lord!!!

~ how counting blessings nurtures contentment
~ how that is an awesome universal truth
~ Jesus, the Source of all truth
~ the privilege of showing others all of the above

~ how we can't be good at everything, but at just a few
~ how knowing this simplifies so much

** Please continue to pray for my mama.  We discovered her cancer is stage III.   She will begin chemo in a few weeks, most likely.  Please pray with us for complete healing, and that she will find the Lord faithful to meet her every need.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

For When You Break the Mold

Fitting in has never been easy for me.  I've just always been a little weird.  Really.  It's not something I'm proud of.  I've fought it time and again.  And I imagine, actually, that quite a lot of folks feel this way.  I may be weird, but as it turns out, not so original.  

So what do you do when your not like everyone else and you wonder if that's OK?

I'm not a teacher, and this isn't gospel, but it's what I have to offer:

Be in the Word.  This might seem obvious, but I want to qualify it:  Be in the Word alone.
I'm not suggesting anyone stop studying scripture corporately.  Heavens no!  As I wrote last week, we can't forsake the fellowship of believers.  That includes learning together and gleaning from those who are smarter than you.  BUT... at the end of the day, you've got to wrestle with His truth alone.  You've got to read it as you would read it.  You've got to ask the Holy Spirit to correct your blind spots and you've got to trust that He can speak to you directly, because the people that are generally smarter than you are specifically wrong about one thing or another at some time or another. 

Confess and repent.  As you come to terms with those aforementioned blind spots, confess them,  and apply all the scriptural instruction you can find in changing your course.  Sometimes we break the mold, not because we are unique and special, but because we are just. wrong.  If we can trust the Holy Spirit to convict us, we can trust Him to help us change.

And consider this:  You are no longer a slave to sin.  That doesn't mean you will no longer accomplish the devil's work, but he is not your master.  You've been freed not just from something, but
for something.

Accept that He created you as you are.  Live in peace, not with your sin, but with yourself.  You are not your sin.  Yes, you can separate yourself from it, and when you do, what is left is who you are.  Accept that person.  He loves that person very, very much.  He sacrificed much for her.
And there is no inner you and outer you, there's just you.  It would be gnostic to say otherwise, so don't.  Perhaps if you have trouble finding beauty in yourself, you have a skewed understanding of beauty.  Perhaps you should ask Him to broaden your understanding of goodness and beauty and what it really means to have been created in His image.  If you've been shooting fiery darts of insult towards your own reflection (either physical or spiritual), you've insulted God Himself.  You've also proven yourself to be self-absorbed.  Go back to step 2, and confess and repent.

Finally, in the words of Elisabeth Elliot:  Do the next thing.
Get on with your living, let go of what you wish was different about you or your life.  Live the cards your dealt with joy.  You can't live 100 different lives, you only get one.  Spend it well.  If you're a fighter do it righteously and with courage.  If you are a peacemaker, make peace!  Don't wish you could fight better.  If you are short, be happy for the opportunity to see people at your level and for the built in humility that such stature affords.  If you're tall, look out towards the horizon and see what others can't and lead them where they couldn't go without you.  Whatever you do, don't wish to be doing something different from what you're doing now.  Change does come, and sometimes, even dramatically.... but it is accomplished through a series of "next things".  So do what is in front of you, and be who you are right now.

You don't have to be comfortable in a mold, but you do need to be comfortable in your own skin.

And here's counting some of the many blessings come my way:

~ my mother coming through surgery well, and recovering
~ my sisters surrounding her with love and care
~ knowing so many prayers were lifted up on my sweet mama's behalf

~ Holy Spirit direction that doesn't always feel like 'direction'

~ watching my girl steal home on a slide to win the game for her team

~ the most beautiful, warm September weather I've experienced while living in Oregon

~ having my children close to me

~ learning to see with His vision
~ learning to let go 
~ learning to avoid old rabbit trails 

~ books to educate
~ books to entertain
~ books to ponder
~ books to initiate change

~ the chance to love

Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Feel at Home in Church


Yesterday marked the I-don't-know-how-many-eth Sunday in our quest for a church home.  We've been to tiny churches and mega churches.   Expository vs. Topical.  Take communion in your seat or in the back-- corporately or  as individuals.  Worship with full bands or one guy with a guitar.  Some have been missionally oriented while others are quite insular.  Kids come in or sometimes they aren't allowed at all.  Almost always, they are certainly not there for the duration of church.  Goodness, who could possibly expect them to sit through an entire service?
It's feeling like a long, long road.

Did I mention, we're not looking for perfection?  We really aren't.  Everyone says that.... 'there's no perfect church.'  We say it and we mean it.  Our years are earning us something in regard to the wisdom  inherent in that admission:  There is no perfect church.  This isn't our first rodeo.  Greg and I have learned that what many regard as glittery is often not made of gold.  Usually it's more rather like an epoxy surface that once scratched chips off into plastic-y slivers all over an otherwise perfectly clean floor.

And there are these places of weak, synthetic reinforcement in all churches.  Places where the gold ran out and they're trying to cover it.  It won't last and it eventually wears away, exposing the lack underneath.  This is, I've come to believe, inevitable on this side of eternity.  The prideful human spirit cannot withstand the divulgence of it's own great poverty.   And so it is with churches, making right all of those naysayers who warn that our churches are filled with hypocrites.  It is true.  Perhaps it takes a hypocrite to know it is true.

So with all of this, thank God our hope is in Jesus.  Thank Him that we can and should choose to assemble together despite the imperfection of it all.  Thank Him that it's possible to get our medicine still from such a dirty cup.  Thank Him that he shows us that even on our first day, somewhere new, we really do fit in as each congregant wears the same matching garment of filthy rags.

Thank Him that despite our misgivings and judgements,  reality prescribes we really do feel at home in church.

counting more blessings:

getting the Nod to write again
the lick-my-lips excitement I feel about this

the help of a woman I've never met to do things I've never done well

school that is hard, where we learn much

libraries like candy stores

living adventure through my dear Sweet T

*cancer surgery (it can be removed!!)
a Mama that is trusting Him
a sister that will be there
another sister bridging the gap
the way they and we love

him and me in unity

 the sight of my boy riding his bike down the road to buy his own lunch

forget what they say:  there are plenty of Christians in Portland
His church is dirty and messed up,  but alive and kicking

holding onto my kids for a full church service
knowing how right that was

* Please be praying for my mama.  Her cancer surgery is this Wed., Sept. 12th 11:45am EST.

Friday, August 17, 2012

What's going on around here?

Cade's Cove, TN-- Summer 2012

Summer is winding down.
These are the days of high temps, blue skies, sun dresses and bare feet.
Habitual discipline has fallen lax.
We let ourselves sleep in, make messes without cleaning them up, and eat popsicles and ice cream in the same day.
Sometimes, in the evening, I sit out on the deck, up in the trees, reading Spurgeon with a glass of bubbly pink wine.

It sounds good, and it is, but it doesn't tell the full story of this summer.

Early in June we flew back east to spend cherished time with family and friends.  At that time, there were challenges we were facing back in Portland that were requiring some big decisions to be made on our part.  
I remember sharing some of it with my daddy while we sat on rocking chairs looking out over the smoky mountains, as we do each summer.
I don't even remember what he said about it all, but I remember feeling better just in sharing it with one of the smartest people I know.  The way he nodded and listened and looked me in the eye.
  He shared my burden, just like he'd done so many times before.

After the mountains we played on the beach for a week with life long friends.
My shoulders finally in comfortable slump.

Upon our return we had the pleasure of hosting beloveds from the South.
First our dear Christoffersens, then our sweet Kirsten.
Our time with them all was perfect and we loved every minute.
It also afforded us more time away from what had become our routine, thus providing us some distance that helped us see more clearly how the Lord was leading us to change some things.

For starters, we will be joining Classical Conversations this school year.  
Some that know me will know that this was not an easy decision.  
I do not consider myself a classical educator.
Nonetheless, we feel the Lord's prompting in this change
 and are grateful for the opportunity.

With much prayer and some anguish, we made the hard choice to leave our church of the last 3.5 years.
Being transplants from the South, this was our only local family.
We'd witnessed and gotten to be a part of God doing great work there.
Nevertheless, the Lord, in His grace, made it clear that we are to go in a different direction.
We are praying and seeking out where our new church home will be.

And it hasn't been just my life changing.
My sweet god-daughter is growing up.... fifteen already!  My nephew is driving, my other nephew is going to college at my parents alma mater.  My oldest niece in engaged.
We have a dear one struggling with Lupus and medication side effects.  
My sweet T's mama is battling breast cancer (and she will win they say!), and it is hard.
Dear friends leaving us to follow the Lord to Iowa.  What a hole they leave,
 but what a great adventure ahead of them.
Our precious friends-like-family leaving the only home they've known, in the South, to travel north,
 and make a life in New Jersey.
My brother losing a job and gaining a new one.
Friends struggling with irresponsible renters, school and career choices.
A grandmother needing help and facing big life changes.
A sister with new challenges in work ahead of her.
Friends, missionaries trying to raise support to get back to the work they need to be doing in Japan:
planting churches and tsunami relief.
Kids going off to college.

And a mama, my mama, beginning her battle with colon cancer. *

Yes, summer is winding down, and with the change of seasons we will continue on, 
just with a different backdrop.

Quote for the day:
Calendars can con: there are really only as many days left as you actually really live. In the end, everyone ends up at the length of their lives — but only a few live the whole width of a life. ---  Ann Voskamp

*  My mom was diagnosed 3 days ago with colon cancer.  She will have surgery to remove the tumor Sept. 12th.  We are hopeful for a full recovery.  Please pray!  

LYMYWY (Love you, Miss you, Want you),

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Baby, you're a firework!

today you turn 12. 
Twelve years ago you turned my world 
upside down.
Nothing has been the same since.
Born on the 4th of July, 
you were my 'firework'...
in every way!

You amaze me.  Really.  
I can't believe someone like you
came from someone like me.
You are the best of your daddy and me,
and then some.

You're mine, but you've always been 
God's first.
That's why you're

When we named you, we knew then
what we know now:
you are destined for great things.

So I dedicate one of your favorite songs to you today, 
because Katy said it just as well as I could have:

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth

Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst

Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Happy Birthday, Buddy Boy!
I love you much, more and most (so there!) ;>

PS.  Here is a special video wish from John McDonald of John's America Bike Tour
(please consider pausing the music at the bottom of the page before watching video :))

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Glad to be here

We arrived back home late last night from our 2.5 week vacation back in the South.  It is no exaggeration to say we cherished every moment with our family, friends, home climate and culture.  We are so thankful for having the opportunity to fly across the country and spend that kind of time.

I feel very refreshed, which is good, because I came back to a place and time for figuring some stuff out.  It's good to come back with a cleared head.  For now, with school officially out, I plan to just putz around my house putting things back in order post-vaca.  I have the tremendous privilege of planning for my dear sweet friends who are coming to visit starting the 4th of July.   We are so excited to have all four of this precious family under our Oregon roof for a few days!

And now it's time for me to walk my pup.  I think he's emotionally spent from our going and coming, but it sure is good to see him again.  I so enjoyed feeling the sun on my bare shoulders back in the South, but the prospect of walking on dewey ground with sunlight spilling through the massive evergreens with my dog at my side, even while wearing a sweater (sigh) doesn't sound too bad, either.  ;>

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Under the curse?

 Once upon a time, I found grace.
It was God's grace, coming from the one who defines the word.
Thrilled as I was to have a word to describe what I always knew in my heart, 
I talked of it everywhere I went.

Understanding even a tiny bit about grace changed everything.
It changed too much according to the theys, the thems, and those.

They said, 'grace has it's limits, girl'
'you're still under the curse'

That's what they said, when I asked if maybe we worried about things that didn't matter anymore?
They said, 'you're still under the curse'.

How much sense does that make?
How much sense does that make in 
the light of dark, holy blood
spilled by an exsanguinated savior,
by whom sin and death were wrestled to hell,
and the veil was torn
from top to bottom,
and the sky went dark
and the only Good that ever walked
was buried behind stone. 
Until He wasn't anymore,
then He was alive, because He was
victorious, so
now He is alive!

Where in all that is there still room
to live under the curse?

How is it even possible?

And to say that we are still under the curse is to
accuse Jesus of ailing from
the foulest impotence...

it is to say,
He cannot save us at all.

Do not believe it.
If He saves you from anything,
He saves you from everything.
There is no curse for you, beloved.
You are justified, now be

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hard Eucharisteo

sometimes life is a pile of salt washed drift wood
and there is no order
or sense in it

and it's a mess

and sometimes you are like a tree
weathered, worn and broken
planted by still waters....
not so much

and sometimes, with sun obscure
you are standing in the grey
and there's not much left to do
but embrace the wood
of another kind of tree

sometimes that's just how it is

Counting with the community of the grateful:

~  understanding that knowing the truth and hurting is better than being the fool

~  finishing the little orange book
~  the admonition, blessing and encouragement we received from it

~  not knowing much, but knowing Him, and how that really is enough

~  the pain that comes from the loss of something that brought great joy

~  watching how one who is loved well, loves well
~  the healing that brings, like a balm on a burn

~  sending off dear ones
~  the adventurous journey ahead of them
~  the emptiness the leaving causes only because of the fullness their presence meant
~  how life was good with them
~  how they are gifts

~  how it's hard, but we are thankful, because who are we to say, 'it's bad', so
~  we count it as good

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In Defense of the Blog


You know how there are times you feel the need to put the proverbial stake in the ground?  Maybe you've gone round about a thing for quite awhile, not sure where all the puzzle pieces will land, and then a dawning of understanding breaks through your thickness?

Where social media is concerned, I've done my fair share of digging in the heels.  Like most folks, I'm ever evolving in the way I think, the way my opinions line up with the greater values that shape who I really am.  For me, it all evolves from who I am in Christ, and so much more importantly, who He is in the world.  So, yes, my thoughts and opinions do change over time.   As the years come, hopefully, I gain better understanding of who He is and why that matters.

Still now, for what I think is good reason, I choose to stand on the anti-social side of the lines of social media.  I do not Facebook.  I do not Tweet.  I do not Pin.  I have a hard time checking my email and voice messages, and my phone is, decidedly, not smart.  But this is not about the moral wrongness of any of those things (indeed a case can be made, and has, that checking email and responding in a timely fashion is good and moral etiquette!).  This is not about how these social outlets curtail real relationship, either.  I do have my suspicions, but I don't really know if they are right.  I simply haven't mastered, well enough, the art of face-to-face, hand-in-hand, or head-on-shoulder communication.  I think I'd better not add any other variables until I become more astute and skilled in the old tradition of conversation.

A blog is different.  I've heard them (blogs) labeled ego-centric and agenda driven.  Indeed, some are.  I imagine as many blogs fall into that category as do the humans that might write them.  Interestingly, joining the blogging world has resulted in the opposite for me.  My ego-centricity has been greatly challenged as my world has broadened beyond the tight circle of like-minded thinkers I tend to associate with.  In reading blogs (especially getting acquainted over time with their authors), I do not get a quick snippet of one self-centered opinion.  Blog posts are not text messages.


The blogs I read are well thought out and written articles, written by one, yes, but meant for the edification of many.  Certainly there is plenty of twaddle in the blogging world, just as there is in paper publishing.  All blogs are not created equal.  As with anything, it is something to approach with discernment.

I know some who 'don't read blogs'.  These abstainers group them in the same category as all other social media, thereby declaring them a waste of time.  Being largely absent from the social-media crowd, I , too, struggled with what place reading and writing blogs should have in my life.  As one who expresses best in black and white, I was drawn to the opportunity to write in a way that was not previously available to me.  As one who is fascinated by people and their thoughts, perceptions, and life experiences, I reveled in the easy access to such things.  Yet, as one who has been reluctantly dragged into post-modernism, all electronic communication seemed suspicious to me.  It was easier to paint it all with a broad brush as wasteful and indulgent.  Perhaps too easy.

Up to this point, some form of the word 'I' has been used at least 27 times in this post.  Ego-centric?  A one-sided conversation?  Is there an obvious agenda?  I'm going to deny the egocentrism.  :)  As far as the one-sided conversation, it doesn't have to be that way.  That's why most blogs have a comment section.  As far as the agenda, well, yes, I admit I had an agenda or purpose of matter that I wished to write about here.  I suppose, in that way, all of our communication is agenda driven, is it not?  There are choices we make daily about which agendas we pursue and which ones we entertain from others.

My agenda here, in this post, was to describe my own personal journey regarding the reading and writing of blogs.  Yes, I hope to make a case for good blogging.  It is only my opinion here, and it does not tell the full story, but perhaps it will result in dialogue and better understanding nonetheless.

And yet, perhaps it will fall numbly on the mind for you, dear reader, but fear not.... there are worse things you could've wasted your time on than my writing.  :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm moving...

along.... out.... and on.

I'm moving.  No, I'm not changing my address.  Not that.  Not yet.  Nonetheless, my character is entering into the next act.  She's moving on.

She got used to the holding pattern that sometimes happens in one's life.  There were times she fought against it, tired of the waiting and wanting the certain.  And there were times of surrender, when she gave up her own vision.... the right to write her own story, and she trusted a better Writer.  There were times of great freedom when her trusting made any shackles of worldly fashion weak and useless.  She danced in this rain of grace, following, as she learned to read it, the Writer's story.

And then she doubted.  Were His leadings no more than her own fleshly whims?  There were some who would say, 'yes', and there were many others who didn't care enough to weigh in at all.  She had fully expected harmony.  She didn't want conflict and doubt, she wasn't writing that into her story.... but then she remembered how she had decided to trust the better Writer.

And so, the shackles fail once again to bind her, failing under the tension of truth and grace.  In the safety of His story, that is sometimes dangerous... she moves on.

How the Writer has blessed:

a good report for a woman loved:  the margins are clear!

waking early to daylight
feeling ready to get up
sleep having done its job

the way a chicken cooks in a pot
eating artichokes with our fingers
unwrapping them like presents

the voice of my god-daughter on the line

being inspired, over and over, by the faithfulness of a friend

a good report for another beloved:  no cancer!

hearing my boy and girl sing solos
his deep, growing up voice
hers sweet and lilting and in tune

a place for resting, reading, teaching, thinking, praying
made with sun and well- watered trees
just outside my back door

this Sarah Bessey post
being inspired to make more of the days rhythms
the sacred echo of this

finding my way

and more, where words aren't necessary:

Monday, May 7, 2012


Garage Sale Weekend is now behind us.  MUCH has left this household for good.  Windows have been washed, floors mopped, furniture polished.  Order restored and then some.  It's a good feeling.  No, it's a GREAT feeling.
I am not one to function at optimal capacity in the midst of disorder.  Even if the disorder is relegated to the closets and drawers, it mocks me from those pent up places.  I hear it call my name and it becomes the itch I can't quite reach.  I don't like this about myself.  It's a weakness, really.  Life is messy, and we need to learn to not be distracted by that fact.

In my frenzy to declutter, simplify, and restore order I learned some things:

1.  We have too much stuff.

2.  Garage sales don't make you money.

3.  They do make you crazy.

4.  They are a great reminder of how awful it is to have too much stuff.

5.  Simplicity (which in my mind includes organization) is a lifestyle, not a once a year or so event.

6.  I don't want to waste one fleeting moment with my children (this reminder came as I wept over little, tiny clothes they used to wear and the remembering that goes with the sorting and weeding and the realization of number 7......).

7.  Time flies.

8.  I love that we still play with toys in our house.

9.  I need a system to stay balanced.... I'm a system-needer.

10.  It needs to be simple (read:  NOT flylady)

11.  Less is more.... in a BIG way.

So, there it is.  I totally recommend this kind of deep cleaning/purging.  There is a lot more I learned from it, but some of it's personal and I won't bore you.  Suffice it to say... it's worth it and makes for some cheap, but highly effective therapy!  :)

And now getting on with giving thanks:

~the canopy of green surrounding the back of the house filling with bird and other creatures
~the ultra muzzle for a pup too anxious to protect his peeps
~having what I need and knowing where it's at
~God stoking a fire
~free musicals
~my precious and words-can't-describe-how-awesome husband
~how the Lord leads us and makes us of one mind
~how he submits and I submit and we submit to Him and to each other, and...
~how nobody but the Lord taught us how to do that, and
~how that is a gift I do not take for granted
~being called into something bigger than we can figure out
~knowing we can trust Him

Monday, April 30, 2012

Cleaning House

Tsh Oxenreider does a good job of saying what needs to be said, without saying too much.  I have tried to read 'get your life in order' type books before and I usually stop reading before I am half-way through because I get bored and restless.  Organized Simplicity has been different (thank You, LORD!... and thank you, Tsh!).

She starts you off by prompting you through some questions and evaluations to help you write out a purpose statement for your family.  Everything you do and own should reflect that purpose statement. 
It's so simple, and yet the common sense of this book is strangely... uncommon.
After she speaks to subjects like scheduling and finances, she moves you into the fun stuff.  Cleaning your house.... with a garage sale in your future.  I giggled when I read her reason for why she thinks you should do a garage sale:  to learn your lesson about over-consuming and hoarding, and spending outside of your purpose.  Garage sales hurt.  I might rather visit the gyno or dentist than do another garage sale.  Yes, it is an effective means of lesson learning.
So, I am moving room by room.  Per Tsh's instructions, I am taking out everything from a room except the rugs and furniture.  I then clean the room from top to bottom including windows, walls, vents, etc.  I only put back in the room what is useful or beautiful and what lines up with our family purpose statement. 

Here are some before pics of our family room:

Here's how much junk was stored in that room:

Here's what it looked like after the cleaning before putting what we kept back:

And here's the after:

Though this first room went quickly, the music room and school room took the weekend.  There were lots of papers, books, and odds and ends that needed sorting through.  Lots of stuff is making its way into either the garbage, recycle, or sell room (my guest bedroom is converted into the garage-sale-prep room for now.  :)

Having these two major areas behind me, I am ready to press forward into utility rooms, closets and pantry, kids rooms, and play room. 

Our garage sale is this weekend.  I've got LOTS of work to do between now and Friday.   When I walk into the two main rooms I've already done, I feel such a sense of accomplishment.... I feel lighter and more free.
  Something else I learned, and this is HUGE: By physically touching each and everything I own, I feel the weight of it's value.  Often the thing falls short of what I would hope for something I kept so long, or spent money on.  Sometimes I rejoice and am thankful to re-discover an amazing resource or tool that I have had all along and was under-utilizing.  All the while, through the whole process, I am keeping our family's purpose statement front-and-center in my mind.

So that's what's up with the west-coast Liechtys!

and now, counting with my grateful friends:

~ a Sunday walk with my love and our pup, down tree-lined streets and falling petals,  for pizza and root beer

~ the feeling of being tucked in bed with a good book at the end of a busy weekend

~ the scent of honeysuckle in the air

~ kitchen creativity with two funny girls

~ SG and Hannah sewing their re-purposed creations for their Etsy business

~ a friend bringing flowers

~ a friend showing mercy

~ Alex bringing SG ladybug earrings for her new pierced ears after the two of them released 1500 ladybugs into the garden

~ watching SG's focus and determination in her softball games

~ Samuel entering another Lego contest... never daunted by not winning in the past

~ good books, math manipulatives, science tools, art supplies, great music, pencils, paper

~ the feeling and knowledge of what it is to become more myself