Monday, March 21, 2011

Multitude Monday #636-661

walking through wet woods
fresh morning air

fasting the speech that brings death
the gift of words that bring life


jasmine green tea

a friend that now knows she is beautiful, and
how she can see how you and me and them and they are too
just like we are

friends in Japan that are safe
Christ's hands reaching out to those in need

a journal for my 'thankYous' that came just in time
how it was sent in love

that our questions don't threaten Him
He is not weakened by our doubts

how He transforms
makes something out of nothing

the boy at his piano
how his work pays off

days of love and work
nights of rest

honey-colored cotton percale sheets
bedtime tea
lamplight and stories

family prayer

holy experience


  1. A new journal just in time! How good is that????

    I especially was drawn to "words that give life." It made me think back over my day today and I wondered if anything I said was really worth saying at all and did they bring life. Thank you for that reminder and rebuke to me! I really needed that! It was so good to have been here and read your list!!! A real blessing!

  2. just in from dining out with Ms. Teresa... this is dessert :)

    there is always rest and hope and beauty and grace and peace in the listing of your gifts.

    i rejoice with you!
    and i patiently long for the again togetherness to walk through wet woods in fresh morning air, to sip jasmine green tea, to see your beloved boy at the piano (& your beloved girl too :), to marvel together at the transformation only He can bring, to bow heads together for family prayer... all in His sweet time.

    i love you, Dear One. i am ever thankful for you :)

  3. new journals are a favorite of mine too!

    So thankful that our God specializes in transformation!


  4. Girl! To fast the words of death and speak the life-giving words! Oh what victory!

    Your relationship with the Lover of Your Soul is so evident in this post. You show His bigness, gentleness, discipline, love and grace overflowing. Thank you!


  5. Glad we can come together to share the goodness of GOD ...we are all so blessed to be a child of the king !!
