Monday, May 23, 2011

The Blessings #738-760

longer days
the wrapping up of one school year
the anticipation of the next

my man mending fences
the pup playing on the right side of those fences

if only for a day...  71 degrees

messes to clean up

a body that can bend to do the work
a sound mind

a call out to my Sweet T
the stories I'll hear from her end
the stories I'll tell from mine

Awana celebrations

my kids walking to church

Spring Choir Concert

summer plans
a happy son and his friend

my daddy's picture

sofas and mugs

my beloved:
a wise and tender daddy
a good man

me, a fortunate and happy wife

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. i count your blessings as my own. and i am doubly blessed for the stories we share one with another - this life lived in the now! thank you.
    - - -
    and yikes! that picture of your girl love at the Spring Choir Concert, i don't like how grown up she looks.... i know it is happening day-by-day and year-by-year, but that picture is a too much for me to take in :}

    i love you, Dear One.
