Sunday, December 21, 2008

Addendum to Arctic Blast....

Here are some more pics for your viewing enjoyment!  The dog in the pics is Sadie, the dog-next-door.  She is sweet and a faithful running companion!  The other pics are from Halloween when Samuel and Sarah Grace dressed up as Superman and Supergirl.  I have also included a couple of pics from the Awana grand prix where Samuel's car, 'Spike' won second place for speed and Sarah Grace's car "Ocean on Wheels",  won first place for design.  The kids totally designed the cars themselves and both cars excelled at what their designers had in mind.  It was a fun day.



  1. Ooh! Pics of the Oregon Liechtys. I want MORE! :-)



  2. BTW, I love seeing the Jetta under all that snow. Too cool.

    Please tell Samuel I really like the close-up picture of his derby car. It is quite cool and it's #1 in my book.

    Now, is it just me, or does the little #1 winner next to Samuel in the picture look a tad too smug?! I guess that's just the protective Aunt in me!!! :-)


