Monday, June 21, 2010

I am so grateful for......#18-34

holy experience

the ability to make my own schedule

warm cornbread muffins
good food that I don't have to travel far to get

hearing praises sung heartily in Korean-English
meeting and loving a sister-in-Christ that lives in another world, a world away
being changed because of knowing her


a well stocked pantry

children that want to create

waking up to a warm bundle of 8 year old girl tucked into me

my children's daddy loves them oh, so much
my daddy loves me oh, so much
my daddy's continued health

a mama who sticks with us all


filtered water

instant coffee (yes, this.)

What blessings do you count today?



  1. Just remembered it was Monday! :-)

    -The written word that allows us to communicate across miles and generations/years
    -Teachers and parents who taught me to read
    -A camera to capture memories
    -Old trees
    -Fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries
    -Foggy days that make trees and grass look greener :-)
    -The opportunity to be amazed at things I wouldn't otherwise notice, like insects, because a child is in my life
    -The sound of ocean waves
    -The sound of a rocky river
    -The sound of giggling children

  2. Oh Jules....
    Thank you so much for posting this here. I love your list... such a wonderful reflection of your beautiful heart.
