Monday, November 15, 2010

Spit it out

Care to spit out your thoughts?

This is quite literally the challenge our worship pastor left us with as he closed his sermon yesterday morning.  He had placed little Dixie-type cups in the backs of the pews throughout the church and then asked us to hold them up.  As the congregants studied those little plastic cups in their hands, he explained:

Saliva.  Think about  how many times in the last hour you have swallowed down your own saliva.  You don't think about it at all.  What if instead of swallowing it, you spit it out in the cup?  Gross, right?  What if at the end of the hour I told you to drink up all the saliva you had collected in the cup?  Double gross.

Now what if instead of the cup holding our spit, it held our thoughts instead?
What if we examined our thoughts, like we would that saliva, and make a rational decision about whether or not they were fit for consumption?  What if instead of taking in the junk.... we toss it?

Pastor Steve talked about  how we examine ourselves each morning in the mirror and work on ourselves so we can look the way we want to.  We give a lot of self-care to our outer shells.  How often do we pay that kind of mind to our thought life.... to our perception of reality?

Romans 12:2 (NLT) says "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is."

He pointed out how this verse doesn't speak of transforming our emotions or our circumstances, but our minds.... the way we think.  It's amazing how much is at stake in just the way we choose to look at a thing.

For his final challenge, Pastor Steve's pointed to 2 Cor 10:5 (NIV), "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.

So spit it out and see if it passes this test:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Phil 4:8 (NIV)

And so in the interest of renewing my mind in this way, I continue to join Ann and the rest of the Gratitude Community in counting the blessings.


God's Word... oh how He speaks!
Holy Spirit making all things possible

new faces from far off places

how love can be comfortable and exciting at the same time

unexpected hugs

long-distance phone service


creativity of little people
creativity of big people
that there is no age limit on making cool stuff

a happy daddy

fallen golden leaves the size of your head

muddy, blackened-bare puppy feet romping through the woods

fog that softens twinkling city lights and blurs the moon
and makes me glad to be home

history making, touchdown-scoring Hail Mary 
this guy deflecting
this one being in the right place... at the right time

the work of the saints


southern drawl transported fiber-optically

my minds eye, and 
the vivid things i see

holy experience


  1. That's an awesome teaching, and a lot to think about. Thank you. Oh, and your comment about fog? It makes me feel the same. :)

  2. Hi Kara, your Pastor's sermon illustration is great, really makes a vivid point! The way you format your list of blessings is cool too.
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. What an interesting illustration! I might have that in my mind for a while now, LOL. Bleck! LOL
    It does make you think, though.

  4. love this too Kara...OT: so you are a Jag's fan? ...

    thank you for your sweet comment...praise Him we can find gospel life together...let me know how it's going in your gospel psalm-ing;)

  5. thank you for sharing, and thanks to Pastor Steve. albeit gross, it is quite effective... as i too am thankful for:

    my minds eye, and
    the vivid things i see

    i'd like to erase the visual but i know it's needed as i seek to spit it out & see if it passes the test!

    ~ ~ ~

    go Jags :}

    ~ ~ ~

    as for all else on your list this day... i count your blessings as they have also become mine...

    and whispered in truth (with no discontent, but peace-filled longing): one day i'll turn on the water and smile as we wash the muddy, blackened-bare puppy feet.

  6. Kara, I love that illustration. Take captive . . .

    Gives me much to think about.

    What kind of leaves are as big as a head? You're a long way from my central southern self and I'm having trouble imagining.

  7. Rie,

    Good question. I guess it looks like a Maple leaf, but huge. Could it be a huge Maple leaf? I should take a picture. Coming from the South myself, I do not recall seeing leaves such as these there.

    And to anyone who is still wondering....

    yeah baby! Go JAGS!!!!

  8. Kara,
    Wow! What a picture with your words. Thank you for sharing.

    Your list is so beautiful! I love:
    how love can be comfortable and exciting at the same time


    The teal is real!

    Love counting with you!

  9. A great thought-provoking (in a good way!)post, thank you. And I love those big leaves, too...some of my large books have the pressed in the pages. Blessings to you! Susan
