So thankful for:
my boy's mind stretching, now beyond things I can teach.....
the delightful music he makes
his way of speaking truth plainly
my little girl, still being my "little" girl
her passion for life
how she takes such joy in life's simplest pleasures and everyday tasks
that He has given me enough wisdom to know I can learn a lot from them
a story of God's faithfulness in great darkness
the humility of others that remind me, too, of my own deep need for Grace
friends to keep puppy and teach sunday school and watch the house while we are away
that there is warmth and sun on the other side of the country
that I will be there, God willing, soon
that those who love us make a place for us, and
we will break bread together
that friends stop by because they want to
the dutch girl that likes to play board games
the smiles and laughter while she is here
a mother that loves me as only a mother can
my dear friend becoming "Mom" to someone who really needed a mom
watching the Lord do his work in her
how it's beautiful

so good to hear your voice hear again :)
ReplyDeletei am so excited to share in the joys of togetherness and seeing and hearing how his mind is stretching, how his fingers talentedly play, his truth spoken plainly... and humbly smiling at her passion and joy in the simplest pleasures and everyday tasks!! i'm so excited!
and isn't amazing the lessons He has us learn and relearn through our children. i suppose it will go on that way forever as we too are children (His :)
i read your gifts, your counting, and i 'see' each one - so alive, so real, so full of hope and gratitude.
thank you for the sharing. i'm so glad you gave this gift :]
love you. joyfully,
ReplyDeletei love reading your is beautiful.
it is nice to hear from you, but i know you are loving Him whether it's posted or not...
Ann's book--oh it is just breathtakingly beautiful. And so true...the hard but best will love it.
blessings to you sister:)