Monday, January 31, 2011

Blessings to the East

Today, I am recording a few blessings, gifts as I sit now on the right side of things
(as opposed to the left! ;>)

#'s  520-536

Safe flights
Ibuprofen and the power of God-blessed prayer for ear pain
calm, Florida winter weather

a husband that runs out the middle of the night for cold medicine
mother-in-love's home cooking

red velvet cake that I can eat

the way she shares stories

the sun and shade variegated river frontage
the sound of the owl hooting
the waters lapping
the driftwood I sit on

being alone with my thoughts, but not
because He was there too

Him telling me how some of the things I think that are big, and matter a whole lot,
but that if they matter to me,
that's OK too.

holy experience

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Multitude of Gifts: 499-519

Sometimes I am silent here, but I am counting in my heart and in the life He gives me to live.

So thankful for:

my boy's mind stretching, now beyond things I can teach.....
the delightful music he makes
his way of speaking truth plainly

my little girl, still being my "little" girl
her passion for life
how she takes such joy in life's simplest pleasures and everyday tasks

that He has given me enough wisdom to know I can learn a lot from them

a story of God's faithfulness in great darkness

the humility of others that remind me, too, of my own deep need for Grace

friends to keep puppy and teach sunday school and watch the house while we are away

that there is warmth and sun on the other side of the country

that I will be there, God willing, soon

that those who love us make a place for us, and

we will break bread together

that friends stop by because they want to

the dutch girl that likes to play board games

the smiles and laughter while she is here

a mother that loves me as only a mother can

my dear friend becoming "Mom" to someone who really needed a mom

watching the Lord do his work in her

how it's beautiful

holy experience

Monday, January 3, 2011

Multitude Monday in 2011 Gifts#485- 498

Here I am, in my sunny kitchen,  sipping my coffee, listening to the sounds of my kiddos bundling up to take the pup for his walk.  Sunshine is kissing the eastern face of the western hills and life is happening down below.
Life is not perfect.  We or someone we love is struggling with health, learning difficulty, job loss, depression, exceedingly expensive home repair, single parenting, middle school, uncertainty of the future and I could go on.   But there is beauty in the here too.  Beauty, grace, forgiveness, love, mercy, power.

So I count.....

Kids on Christmas

A new friend from far away (Holland)

Puppy rain gear

warm beds

a brother I've never met praying for me

a husband who can fix a  computer

the beauty of numbers

that God speaks our language

funny birthday cards that sing

the sister who sends them

good friends

fancy dinners that I don't cook

the view from our kitchen at sunset

His mercy is new each morning